How to make a bigger custom AMI?

Maxime U. Garcia 2018-11-05
Last modified 2018-11-07

1 minute read

Following this post set of posts on running Nextflow with AWS Batch:

I’m writing a small guide on how to make a custom AMI with a big enough size to run some actual data with.

All the instructions are in fact listed in the custom AMI Nextflow docs and this solution is there, but as I struggled once already, I prefer to document it for everyone and especially future me.

  • On the AWS EC2 Dashboard, launch a new instance
  • 1. Choose AMI: Search for and choose Amazon ECS-Optimized Amazon Linux AMI in the AWS MArketplace
  • 2. Choose Instance Type: Choose a t2.micro
  • 3. Configure Instance: Leave default configuration
  • 4. Add Storage: Input 500 GiB or any other size, but 22 GiB is definitively not big enough for actual real life data.
  • 5. Add Tags: Do as you want
  • 6. Configure Security Group: Just make sure you can connect to the EC2 Instance.
  • 7. Review Instance Launch: Procure a key pair that you have so that you can access your Instance
  • Launch the newly created Instance (Actions -> Instance State -> Start), it should be easy to find
  • Connect providing the key pair specified earlier.
  • The ssh command provided by AWS is wrong, you need to replace root by ec2-user
  • sudo yum update to update the system
  • Install awscli using conda, so install conda first, and actually install wget before
sudo yum install wget
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86\ -p /home/ec2-user/miniconda
# You can either source .bashrc or specify the path to conda
source .bashrc
conda install -c conda-forge awscli
  • Edit this file: /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage
  • Add this option --storage-opt dm.basesize=500GB (or specify any other size you prefer)
  • sudo service docker restart to restart the docker daemon
  • Check that you actually have the size you wanted with docker info | grep -i base and docker info | grep -i data

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