Problem with slashed O!

Maxime U. Garcia 2012-11-13
less than 1 minute read

I handle my bibliography with Mendeley. Mendeley keeps references and informations in a BibTex file. Some of the Northern authors have an ø in their name. Mendeley encodes it with \o and a white space. When I compile my document, in my bibliography, I find this white space after the ø in the name of the Northern authors. I tried \o without a white space, but it’s not working. You must use {\o}. I came up with this solution, copying the BibTex files, removing unwanted informations (ie abstract, url etc…), and replacing \o by {\o}:


cat /home/user/biblio/*.bib | grep -v "url = {" | grep -v "file = {" | \
  grep -v "abstract = {" | grep -v "keywords = {" | grep -v "isbn = {" | \
  grep -v "issn = {" | grep -v "editor = {" | grep -v "address = {" | \
  grep -v "annote = {" > biblio.bib

sed -i 's/\\o /\{\\o\}/g' biblio.bib

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