[](https://nf-co.re) ## Running pipelines offline
Maxime Garcia / [
@gau](https://twitter.com/gau) / [
@MaxUlysse](https://github.com/MaxUlysse) [The Swedish Childhood Tumor Biobank](https://ki.se/forskning/barntumorbanken) / [National Genomics Infrastructure](https://ngisweden.scilifelab.se/) [
nf-co.re/events/2021/bytesize-8-nf-core-offline](https://nf-co.re/events/2021/bytesize-8-nf-core-offline), online - 2021/04/13
Note: Working for The Swedish Childhood Tumor Biobank, located at KI, and sitting half-time at National Genomics Infrastructure from Scilifelab --- ## Today's plan * Download a DSL1 pipeline * Main container + extra containers * Download a DSL2 pipeline * Containers from all modules * Download AWS iGenomes * Transfer all to an offline machine * Run pipelines --- ## Today's workflow
Note: This fictional set up is based on UPPMAX rackham / bianca servers --- ## Install nf-core tools on the machine that can communicate to the offline machine ```bash $ ssh -X user@online.server.com $ pip3 install --upgrade --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/nf-core/tools.git@dev --user [...] $ nf-core --version [...] nf-core, version 1.14.dev0 ``` --- ## Download DSL1 pipeline ```bash $ nf-core download sarek -r 2.7 -s [...] INFO Saving sarek Pipeline release: '2.7' Pull singularity containers: 'Yes' Output file: 'nf-core-sarek-2.7.tar.gz' INFO Downloading workflow files from GitHub INFO Downloading centralised configs from GitHub INFO Fetching container names for workflow INFO Found 3 containers INFO Tip: Set env var $NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR to use a central cache for container downloads Pulling singularity images ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% • 3/3 completed INFO Compressing download.. INFO Command to extract files: tar -xzf nf-core-sarek-2.7.tar.gz INFO MD5 checksum for nf-core-sarek-2.7.tar.gz: 2c4eac95b88a3977e1c4a81524f35ca3 ``` --- ## Download Singularity images ```bash $ singularity pull --name nfcore-sareksnpeff-2.7.GRCh38.img docker://nfcore/sareksnpeff:2.7.GRCh38 $ singularity pull --name nfcore-sarekvep-2.7.GRCh38.img docker://nfcore/sarekvep:2.7.GRCh38 INFO: Converting OCI blobs to SIF format INFO: Starting build... Getting image source signatures [...] Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures [...] INFO: Creating SIF file... ``` Note: * The main Singularity container was downloaded with nf-core tools * But as I was downloading extra containers anyway, I could have downloaded it this way too --- ## Download DSL2 pipeline ```bash $ nf-core download rnaseq -r 3.0 -s -p 10 --compress none [...] INFO Saving rnaseq Pipeline release: '3.0' Pull singularity containers: 'Yes' Output file: 'nf-core-rnaseq-3.0.tar.gz' INFO Downloading workflow files from GitHub INFO Downloading centralised configs from GitHub INFO Fetching container names for workflow INFO Found 29 containers INFO Tip: Set env var $NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR to use a central cache for container downloads Pulling singularity images ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% • 29/29 completed ``` --- ## Download the rest ```bash $ wget \ https://github.com/nextflow-io/nextflow/releases/download/v21.04.0-edge/nextflow-21.04.0-edge-all $ aws s3 --no-sign-request --region eu-west-1 \ sync s3://ngi-igenomes/igenomes/Homo_sapiens/GATK/GRCh38 . $ aws s3 --no-sign-request --region eu-west-1 \ sync s3://ngi-igenomes/igenomes/Homo_sapiens/NCBI/GRCh38 . ``` --- ## Transfer via sftp to offline machine ```bash $ sftp user@offline.server.com:user [...] Connected to offline.server.com. Changing to: /user sftp> put nextflow-21.04.0-edge-all . [...] sftp> put nf-core-sarek-2.7.tar.gz . [...] sftp> put nfcore-sareksnpeff-2.7.GRCh38.img . [...] sftp> put nfcore-sarekvep-2.7.GRCh38.img . [...] sftp> put -r nf-core-rnaseq-3.0 . [...] sftp> put -r igenomes . [...] ``` --- ## Run the pipeline
> EDIT: No need to set up `--custom_config_base` > > nf-core `tools` does that for you
```bash export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/path/to/nf-core-sarek-2.7/singularity-images nextflow run sarek/workflow/main.nf -profile offline [...] \ --igenomes_base /path/to/igenomes ``` Can add to the offline profile: * Path to local AWS iGenomes * `cacheDir` setting to the `singularity` scope ```bash nextflow run rnaseq/workflow/main.nf -profile offline [...] ``` --- ## Tips * Set env var `$NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR` to use a central cache for container downloads * Use parallel for faster download * Use `--compress none` --- ## Stay at home message * Read the docs * [
nf-co.re/usage/offline](https://nf-co.re/usage/offline) * [
nf-co.re/tools#downloading-pipelines-for-offline-use](https://nf-co.re/tools#downloading-pipelines-for-offline-use) * [
nf-co.re/tools#singularity-cache-directory](https://nf-co.re/tools#singularity-cache-directory) * Stay tuned for future `nf-core/bytesize` Note: * Reads the docs, try things out, and don't hesitate to ask questions * More talks are coming --- ## Get involved [
Note: * Join us on Github * Join our Slack * Follow us on Twitter * Follow us on Youtube ---
Note: * Thank institutes and sponsors + collaborators * Thank all nf-core contributors ---
## Join us * [
nf-co.re/join](https://nf-co.re/join) ## References * [
nf-co.re/usage/offline](https://nf-co.re/usage/offline) * [
nf-co.re/tools#downloading-pipelines-for-offline-use](https://nf-co.re/tools#downloading-pipelines-for-offline-use) * [
nf-co.re/tools#singularity-cache-directory](https://nf-co.re/tools#singularity-cache-directory) * [
maxulysse.github.io/bytesize_8](https://maxulysse.github.io/bytesize_8) Note: Here are some important links, including the docs, and the slides for this talk on my website If you have any question, now is the time