[](https://nf-co.re) ## Introduction to nf-core
Maxime Garcia / [
@gau](https://twitter.com/gau) / [
@MaxUlysse](https://github.com/MaxUlysse) [The Swedish Childhood Tumor Biobank](https://ki.se/forskning/barntumorbanken) / [National Genomics Infrastructure](https://ngisweden.scilifelab.se/) BFG Unimi Master course - online - 2021/02/24-25
--- [Tutorial](https://nf-co.re/usage/nf_core_tutorial) material originally written for the Nextflow Camp 2019, Barcelona 2019-09-19: ***"Getting started with nf-core"*** _(see [programme](https://www.nextflow.io/nfcamp/2019/phil2.html))._ Updated for the BFG Unimi Master course Slides: [maxulysse.github.io/bfg2021](https://maxulysse.github.io/bfg2021) --- ## What this tutorial will cover This tutorial attempts to give an overview of how _nf-core_ works: * introducing _nf-core_ * how to run _nf-core_ pipelines * how to use nf-core/tools * how to better run _nf-core_ pipelines * how to use configs * how to write a new pipeline using the _nf-core_ template --- ## Who am I [](https://github.com/maxulysse) Bioinformatician working at [National Genomics Infrastructure](https://ngisweden.scilifelab.se). --- [
--- ## What is _nf-core_
nf-co.re](https://nf-co.re/) --- ## Exercise 1 ### Running a nf-core pipeline with some test data ```bash nextflow run nf-core/sarek -r 2.7 -profile test,docker ``` --- ## Exercise 2 ### Installing the nf-core helper tools [
Tutorial](https://nf-co.re/usage/nf_core_tutorial#installing-the-nf-core-helper-tools) * Install nf-core/tools * Use the help flag to list the available commands The Python `nf-core` tool is available from the [Python Package Index](https://pypi.org/project/nf-core/) and [Bioconda](https://bioconda.github.io/recipes/nf-core/README.html). You can install the latest released version from `PyPI` as follows: ```bash pip install nf-core ``` Or this command to install the `dev` version: ```bash pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/nf-core/tools.git@dev ``` --- ## Exercise 3 ### Listing pipelines [
Tutorial](https://nf-co.re/usage/nf_core_tutorial#listing-available-nf-core-pipelines) * Use the help flag to print the list command usage * List all pipelines * Sort pipelines alphabetically, then by popularity (stars) * Fetch one of the pipelines using `nextflow pull` * Use `nf-core list` to see if the pipeline you pulled is up to date * Filter pipelines for those that work with RNA * Save these pipeline details to a JSON file --- ## Running nf-core pipelines ### Software requirements for nf-core pipelines In order to run _nf-core_ pipelines, you will need to have ([Nextflow](https://www.nextflow.io/)). The only other requirement is a software packaging tool: * [Conda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) * [Docker](https://www.docker.com) * [Singularity](https://sylabs.io/singularity/) --- ## Fetching pipeline ```bash nextflow pull nf-core/sarek ``` ```bash nextflow pull nf-core/sarek -r 2.7 ``` --- ## Usage instructions and documentation General documentation and instructions for Nextflow and _nf-core_: [https://nf-co.re](https://nf-co.re) Pipeline specific documentation: (_e.g._ [nf-co.re/sarek](https://nf-co.re/sarek)) In addition to this documentation, each pipeline comes with basic command line reference. This can be seen by running the pipeline with the `--help` flag, for example: ```bash nextflow run nf-core/sarek --help ``` --- ## Running pipelines with test data ```bash nextflow run nf-core/sarek -r 2.7 -profile test,docker ``` --- ## The nf-core launch command > _NB: This is an experimental feature ```bash nf-core launch sarek ``` --- ## Using nf-core pipelines offline ```bash nf-core download sarek ``` --- ## Exercise 3 (using pipelines) * Install required dependencies (Nextflow, Docker) * Print the command-line usage instructions for the _nf-core/sarek_ pipeline * In a new directory, run the _nf-core/sarek_ pipeline with the provided test data * Try launching the sarek pipeline using the `nf-core launch` command * Download the _nf-core/sarek_ pipeline for offline use using the `nf-core download` command --- ## Config profiles
--- ### Creating nf-core pipelines --- ### Conclusion We hope that this _nf-core_ tutorial has been helpful! Remember that there is more in-depth documentation on many of these topics available on the [nf-core website](https://nf-co.re). If in doubt, please ask for help on Slack. If you have any suggestions for how to improve this tutorial, or spot any mistakes, please create an issue or pull request on the [nf-core/nf-co.re repository](https://github.com/nf-core/nf-co.re). > [Phil Ewels](https://github.com/ewels/), [Maxime Garcia](https://github.com/MaxUlysse) for _nf-core_, February 2021