## How nf-core/configs work?
Maxime Garcia / [ @gau](https://twitter.com/gau) / [ @MaxUlysse](https://github.com/MaxUlysse)
[The Swedish Childhood Tumor Biobank](https://ki.se/forskning/barntumorbanken) / [National Genomics Infrastructure](https://ngisweden.scilifelab.se/)
[ nf-co.re/events/2021/bytesize-2-configs](https://nf-co.re/events/2021/bytesize-2-configs), online - 2021/02/09
Working for The Swedish Childhood Tumor Biobank, located at KI, and sitting half-time at National Genomics Infrastructure from Scilifelab
* Workflow manager
* Data driven language
* __Portable__
* executable on multiple platforms
* __Shareable and reproducible__
* with containers or virtual environments
* `Docker`, `Singularity` or `Conda`
I especially love Nextflow for its portability, shareability and reproducibility
## Run nf-core/eager on test data
* On a new machine (with `Docker` installed)
* Specify everything on the command line
export NXF_VER=20.04.0 ; curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash
git clone --single-branch --branch eager https://github.com/nf-core/test-datasets.git data
nextflow run nf-core/eager -r 2.3.1 \
-with-docker nfcore/eager:2.3.1 \
--max_cpus 2 \
--max_memory 6.GB \
--genome false \
--fasta data/reference/Mammoth/Mammoth_MT_Krause.fasta \
--input data/testdata/Mammoth/mammoth_design_fastq.tsv
* container engine with `container:tag`
* available resources
* path to reference genome file
* path to input files
* Let's try a challenge and run nf-core/eager without config files or profile
* And here is why it is working
## With configs
[ nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html)
nextflow run nf-core/eager -r 2.3.1 -c my_computer.config /
--genome false /
--fasta data/reference/Mammoth/Mammoth_MT_Krause.fasta /
--input data/testdata/Mammoth/mammoth_design_fastq.tsv
> `my_computer.config`
> ```groovy
> docker.enabled = true
> docker.fixOwnership = true
> params {
> max_cpus = 2
> max_memory = 6.GB
> `nf-core/eager/nextflow.config`
> ```grooyv
> process.container = 'nfcore/eager:2.3.1'
> ```
* I could have specify genome and input files in a config file as well
* But as I'm planning to run that only once, and not frequently I won't
## With profiles
[ nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html#config-profiles](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html#config-profiles)
nextflow run nf-core/eager -r 2.3.1 -profile test_tsv,docker
> `docker`
> ```groovy
> docker.enabled = true
> docker.fixOwnership = true
> ```
> `test_tsv`
> ```groovy
> params {
> max_cpus = 2
> max_memory = 6.GB
> genome = false
> fasta = 'data/reference/Mammoth/Mammoth_MT_Krause.fasta'
> input = 'data/testdata/Mammoth/mammoth_design_fastq.tsv'
> }
> ```
* profiles are like aliases for configs
* `test_tsv` is a profile used for CI tests, so it is use very frequently, that's why it is here in a profile
## With singularity
[ nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html#config-profiles](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html#config-profiles)
nextflow run nf-core/eager -r 2.3.1 -profile test_tsv,singularity
> `singularity`
> ```groovy
> singularity.enabled = true
> singularity.autoMounts = true
> ```
> `test_tsv`
> ```groovy
> params {
> max_cpus = 2
> max_memory = 6.GB
> genome = false
> fasta = 'data/reference/Mammoth/Mammoth_MT_Krause.fasta'
> input = 'data/testdata/Mammoth/mammoth_design_fastq.tsv'
> }
> ```
* If singularity is already installed, just change profiles, and voilà
* This is why I like Nexflow and nf-core, it's easy
## On my institutional HPC
* Which container/virtual environment engine?
* What are the available resources?
* Which `executor`?
* Where are the reference genome files?
* Where are the input files?
## Let's make a config file
nextflow run nf-core/eager -r 2.3.1 -c my_hpc.config --project MUG_210209 /
--genome false /
--fasta /data1/maxime/workspace/nf-core/eager/data/reference/Mammoth/Mammoth_MT_Krause.fasta /
--input /data1/maxime/workspace/nf-core/eager/data/testdata/Mammoth/mammoth_design_fastq.tsv
singularity {
cacheDir = '/data0/containers/'
enabled = true
runOptions = '-B /scratch:/scratch -B /shared:/shared'
process {
beforeScript = 'module load singularity/3.4.2'
executor = 'slurm'
clusterOptions = { "-A $params.project ${params.clusterOptions ?: ''}" }
params {
max_memory = 125.GB
max_cpus = 20
max_time = 240.h
* This won't work for you
## Let's make a profile
[ github.com/nf-core/configs#adding-a-new-config](https://github.com/nf-core/configs#adding-a-new-config)
my_hpc { includeConfig "${params.custom_config_base}/conf/my_hpc.config" }
__NB:__ Don't forget docs and CI tests.
_cf_ [ github.com/MaxUlysse/nf-core_configs/tree/my_hpc](https://github.com/MaxUlysse/nf-core_configs/tree/my_hpc)
# Tips
All nf-core pipelines are designed for a usage on a typical HPC, with reasonable default resources for each process.
process {
cpus = { check_max( 1 * task.attempt, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 7.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { check_max( 24.h * task.attempt, 'time' ) }
errorStrategy = { task.exitStatus in [143,137,104,134,139] ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
maxRetries = 3
maxErrors = '-1'
withLabel:process_low {
cpus = { check_max( 2 * task.attempt, 'cpus' ) }
memory = { check_max( 12.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
time = { check_max( 6.h * task.attempt, 'time' ) }
params {
max_cpus = 16
max_memory = 128.GB
max_time = 240.h
## Max resources
* It is just a threshold not to go over
* Will change the limit, not the resources
If you want to change the base resource,
look at the `cpus`, `memory` and `time` properties in the scope `process`.
## Change resource requirements
[ nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html#process-selectors](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html#process-selectors)
process {
withName: PROCESS_NAME {
maxRetries = 1
memory = 725.GB
cpus = 40
time = 24.h
withLabel: PROCESS_LABEL {
maxRetries = 3
memory = 110.GB
cpus = 20
time = 24.h
## Include a config file in a profile
[ nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html#config-include](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html#config-include)
includeConfig 'my_conf.config'
## Test online
nextflow run nf-core/eager -r 2.3.1 -profile my_hpc --project MUG_210209 /
--custom_config_base https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MaxUlysse/nf-core_configs/my_hpc /
--genome false /
--fasta /data1/maxime/workspace/nf-core/eager/data/reference/Mammoth/Mammoth_MT_Krause.fasta /
--input /data1/maxime/workspace/nf-core/eager/data/testdata/Mammoth/mammoth_design_fastq.tsv
## Stay at home message
* Read the docs -> [ nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html)
* Check out the repo -> [ github.com/nf-core/configs](https://github.com/nf-core/configs)
* Stay tuned for future `nf-core/bytesize`
* Reads the docs, try things out, and don't hesitate to ask questions
* More talks are coming
## Get involved
[ nf-co.re/join](https://nf-co.re/join)
* Join us on Github
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* Follow us on Twitter
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* Thank institutes and sponsors + collaborators
* Thank all nf-core contributors
## Join us
* [ nf-co.re/join](https://nf-co.re/join)
## References
* [ nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html)
* [ github.com/nf-core/configs](https://github.com/nf-core/configs)
* [ maxulysse.github.io/bytesize_2](https://maxulysse.github.io/bytesize_2)
* [ github.com/MaxUlysse/nf-core_configs/tree/my_hpc](https://github.com/MaxUlysse/nf-core_configs/tree/my_hpc)
Here are some important links, including the docs, and the slide for this talk on my website
If you have any question, now is the time