A [National Park](https://www.sverigesnationalparker.se/en/choose-park---list/sarek-national-park/) in Northern Sweden.
* Long, deep, narrow valleys and wild, turbulent water
* A tortuous delta landscape
* Completely lacking in comfortable accommodations
* One of Sweden’s most inaccessible national parks
* There are no roads leading up to the national park
[![Sarek](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/nf-core_sarek_logo.svg "Sarek")](https://nf-co.re/sarek)
* Open-Source Nextflow Pipeline
* Developed at NGI
* In collaboration with NBIS
* Support from Barntumörbanken
[![Nextflow](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/slides/nextflow.png "Nextflow")](https://www.nextflow.io/)
* Workflow manager
* Data driven language
* Portable (executable on multiple platforms)
* Shareable and reproducible (with containers)
## Software dependencies
[![Bioconda](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/bioconda_logo.svg)](https://bioconda.github.io/) | [![Docker](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/docker_logo.svg)](https://www.docker.com/) | [![Singularity](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/singularity_logo.svg)](https://sylabs.io/singularity/)
* All tools are installed with Bioconda, which allow set up of a new environment
* Bundled into a Docker container, which Nextflow can automatically download from DockerHub
* Built from the Docker container, Singularity images can solve HPC container problems
## Reference genomes
[AWS iGenomes](https://registry.opendata.aws/aws-igenomes/)
* GRCh37
* GRCh38
## Multiple flavors
![Sarek](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/sarek_logo.svg "Sarek")
![Sarek](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/sarek-germline.svg "Sarek") | ![Sarek](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/sarek-somatic.svg "Sarek")
## WES and Targeted Sequencing
![](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/appleseq.svg "WGS, WES, and Targeted")
## Preprocessing
[![GATKBP](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/gatk-bp_logo.svg "GATK Best Practices")](https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/best-practices/)
Based on GATK Best Practices (GATK
* Reads mapped to reference genome with `bwa`
* Duplicates marked with `picard MarkDuplicates`
* Recalibrate with `GATK BaseRecalibrator`
## Germline Variant Calling
* SNVs and small indels
* HaplotypeCaller
* Strelka2
* Structural variants
* Manta
## Somatic Variant Calling
* SNVs and small indels
* Mutect2
* Strelka2
* Freebayes
* Structural variants
* Manta
* Sample heterogeneity, ploidy and CNVs
* Control-FREEC
## Annotation
* VEP and SnpEff
* ClinVar, COSMIC, dbSNP, GENCODE, gnomAD, polyphen, sift, etc.
## Reports
[![MultiQC](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/multiqc_logo.svg "MultiQC")](https://multiqc.info/)
## Workflow
[![Sarek Workflow](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/sarek_workflow_2.5.svg "Sarek Workflow 2.5")](https://github.com/nf-core/sarek/releases/tag/2.5)
## Prioritization
* First step towards clinical use
* Rank scores are computed for all variants
* COSMIC, ClinVar, SweFreq and MSK-IMPACT (cancerhotspots.org)
* Findings are ranked
* Well known, high-impact variants
* Variants in known cancer-related genes
* Remaining variants
## What's next
* More tools
* Mutational signatures
* More downstream processing of the final vcf files
* Connection to [Scout](https://www.clinicalgenomics.se/scout/)
* More genomes
* Mouse
* Dog
* Cattle
* Scout is a tool developed by SciLifeLab Clinical Genomics to analyse VCF files
[![nf-core](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/nf-core_logo.svg "nf-core")](https://nf-co.re/)
* Collection of High Quality Nextflow Pipelines
* Strict guidelines
* Extensive documentation
* CI testing
* Shared configuration
## Sarek usage
* Within BTB
* Tumor/normal pairs
* In production at NGI
* All normal samples
* Tumor/normal pairs
* The whole SweGen dataset
* 1 000 normal samples (GRCh38)
* Genome Medicine Sweden
* GMS is an initiative to implement Precision Medicine at a national level
## Preprint in BioRxiv
Sarek: A portable workflow for whole-genome sequencing analysis of germline and somatic variants
Maxime Garcia, Szilveszter Juhos, Malin Larsson, Pall I Olason, Marcel Martin, Jesper Eisfeldt, Sebastian DiLorenzo, Johanna Sandgren, Teresita Diaz de Ståhl, Valtteri Wirta, Monica Nistèr, Björn Nystedt, Max Käller
[ doi.org/10.1101/316976](https://doi.org/10.1101/316976)
## Get involved
* Our code is hosted on Github
* [ github.com/nf-core](https://github.com/nf-core)
* [ github.com/nf-core/sarek](https://github.com/nf-core/sarek)
* We have slack
* [ nfcore.slack.com](https://nfcore.slack.com/)
* [ nfcore.slack.com/channels/sarek](https://nfcore.slack.com/channels/sarek)
[![Barncancerfonden](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/barncancerfonden_logo.svg)](https://www.barncancerfonden.se/en/) | [![KI](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/ki_logo.svg)](https://www.ki.se/) | [![Barntumörbanken](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/barntumorbanken_logo.svg)](https://ki.se/forskning/barntumorbanken) | [![SciLifeLab](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/scilifelab_logo.svg)](https://scilifelab.se/) | [![UPPMAX](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/slides/uppmax.png)](https://uppmax.uu.se/)
## Acknowledgments
Barntumörbanken | NGI | NBIS | Clinical Genomics | nf-core
Szilveszter Juhos | Johannes Alneberg | Malin Larsson | Hassan Foroughi Asl | Paolo Di Tommaso
Monica Nistèr | Phil Ewels | Marcel Martin | Valtteri Wirta | Sven Fillinger
Johanna Sandgren | Carl Rubin | Markus Mayrhofer | | Alexander Peltzer
Teresita Díaz De Ståhl | Max Käller | Björn Nystedt | |
[![NGI](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/ngi_logo.svg "NGI")](https://ngisweden.scilifelab.se/) | [![NBIS](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/nbis_logo.svg "NBIS")](https://www.nbis.se/) | [![nf-core](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/svg/nf-core_logo.svg)](https://nf-co.re/) | [![Nextflow](https://maxulysse.github.io/assets/img/slides/nextflow.png "Nextflow")](https://www.nextflow.io/)
## Any questions
* [ nf-co.re](https://nf-co.re/)
* [ github.com/nf-core/sarek](https://github.com/nf-core/sarek)
* [ nfcore.slack.com/channels/sarek](https://nfcore.slack.com/channels/sarek)